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Telling Humans


"The theatre's a good space for telling humans about what it is to be human."  Simon Stephens

What We're Up To

Last Year We Raised $1700!

Thank you to everyone who came out to last year's
Telling Humans New Play Reading Festival.

You gave us feedback on our plays and
supported the people who support us. 

Chicago Dramatists
Season of Concern

Who's Knockin' at the Door

Why We're Shoutin' Out

Congratulations to our mentor, playwright and essayist Emilio Williams, on his new play, Bernarda!, in conjunction with Teatro Vista and Steppenwolf.

What We're Thinkin'

Smatterings, Ramblings & General Chaos

Why We're Snappin' Our Fingers

Props to our founding member Patricia Krahnke on being named to the Board of Directors at Chicago Dramatists. 

Applause to our founding member
Francis Brady for being named a semi-finalist in the Dramatists Guild 2023 Nationwide Virtual Fellows Program

"Break a Leg" to founding playwright and actress 
Judy Lea Steele as she 
returns to New Orleans this summer for Sweet Bird of Youth with The Tennessee Williams Theatre Company.

Cheers to founding member Judy Lea Steele on completion of her MFA at the Art Institute of Chicago. 

Applause for founding member
Francis Brady, whose play Justicia goes up at Yellow Rose Theatre in Chicago this fall. 

Congrats to founding member
Elizabeth DeScryver on the upcoming world premiere of her new play, An Unbuilt Life, at Washington Stage Guild in Washington, DC. 

Kudos to our founding member
Steve Nordmark on joining the Board of Directors at Invictus Theatre, Chicago. 

Applause for our founding member
Francis Brady for his play Light for Judging, which received a First Place Honorable mention in the Writer’s Eye Competition at Fralin Art Museum at UVA.

Brava to founding member
Elizabeth DeShryver on being chosen to participate in Chicago Dramatists 10 Minute Play Competition.

Accolades to founding member
Judy Lea Steele on being a semi-finalist in the 2022 Eugene O'Neill Playwright Conference Competition for her play Gerutha & Margaret.

Who We Are

Kelsey J. Austin

Kelsey J. Austin

William C. Bietsch

William C. Bietsch

Francis Brady

Francis Brady

Elizabeth DeSchryver

Elizabeth DeSchryver

Deepthy Kishore

Deepthy Kishore

Patricia Krahnke

Patricia Krahnke

Steve Nordmark

Steve Nordmark

Shelia Payton

Shelia Payton

Judy Lea Steele

Judy Lea Steele



Formed @ Chicago Dramatists

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